Wednesday, March 31, 2021


[Collaborative Poetic Project Between Gali-Dana Singer and Stephen Ellis. Poems written in alternating lines composed by SE and GDS] 





Everything in a grail heart is alive

as in a peppered quail egg

that we hold against our chests from inside

each struggling to open the latch 

to hatch the uncanny universe that calls us out

yawning to catch its breath like an irregular verse

as pale and pointed as a newborn moon









Whenever we shall purify the air braving masked crowds and crude prices

we do only what can be: Disclose to the future that can't see itself

Doing what cannot be done is the only way of being the blinds of the future


blind as bound to wealth, class war, powerlessness and genocide


as well as to liberty, love and aether

and the freedom to say to Mother's cosmetics collection: I could never be your wife

whenever we will









What did I try to prove jumping from the flat roof of a one-story garbage shed

simply seeing in its true being something necessary but not for this 'a necessity'

flight used to be flattened by the textbook quotation


until when contingency, powerful, searched me for its reason


promising and keeping its promise faithfully to find a way out

into the original space of the womb, where language first is heard

unless you were born out of your father's head like me









Inasmuch that, neither more nor less, we live together joyously

In the thesaurus world of our wordiness

among beings invisible but equally, operatively 'there'


where wide-eyed tomatoes and eyeless peppers seem to watch over us


 [You mean they're not the cucumbers I always imagined them to be?]

how can anyone be sure of anything? ask the burst balloon for direction.

Of this I am sure: None of the cows in my heard have survived the year-long COVID-19 cattle mutilation epidemic









Things being not what they seem to be, how could one

search the presences of just waking with no language to make them 'matter'?

Can the dark matter of seven dwarfs break open the Snowwhite's glass coffin?


Let us learn how rhythm to opening matter's depth 'is probably Eros, the breathing of 'air rose'


or better still let us let everything happen as if it doesn't concern us

always with, against and indifferent to the last snowflake's teardrop melted on the tongue

attempting to enunciate the last words for the final countless time.









Whoever it is who is constantly changing the backdrop

Might well attend to the foreground as well

where tired thoughts enact their usual performance of 'hide and seek'


by neither background nor foreground, but one hand giving fingers to another's palm


as if a pine and a date palm enter the foreign world of each other

tree : tree for which needs no visa

but a free flight of imagination









When drives on, the filament of now is the whole of it

yet the flowers of Ornithogalum escape

along the equatorial line, tropic, tropaic


always in the direction opposite to the intentional closure


: there could be a new emergence in Armenia

if 'the apricot-made wind' will overlook it's dubious nature

like your palm it will circle my navel as it laughs.









Celery, leek and cabbage suspended on the invisible threads

if ever there is time to eat in moonlight

do not consume yourself with worries and self-doubt


Mother says I am a boy that needs to a river

River says that everything is forgiven


Human mind in other means to immanence 'for' tomorrow

cannot misbehave enough to become an angel









Impoverished, I go home to the work I never leave

even for a quarter of eternity however short it could manage to be


Let us be a non-federated union of loose persons of typical carbon manufacture

Let us be anonymous while we can


I've never left my home-town, although my life left my body once

Such asymmetrical discrepancy is in the nature of unjustness

And this is why the beautiful has to be offensive to be even more beautiful









Do we play chess? - one tin of geraniums asks another.

Reflex pointless do I have no single time or direction to compete

Black pawn and white bishop, will they ever meet?


in light rain from grey skies

silly questions are the only ones that make sense


Which colors are not also the names of minerals, animals, plants or fish?

Whom do you love more, little girl, a mummy or an effigy?





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